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The Northern Plains Rural Surgical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to supporting and promoting surgical education,

and maintenance of that education, to surgeons across

the Northern Plains states.




                    ARTICLE I:  MEMBERSHIP


Section 1.        Members shall be physicians fulfilling membership requirements who

reside in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, Oklahoma, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Nebraska, and Idaho with exceptions made on an individual basis.


Section 2.        Membership in the Northern Plains Rural Surgical Society shall require:


(1)A surgery practice or an interest in surgery in the rural setting. 

(2)The majority of members will be general surgeons.

(3)Specialty surgeons will be welcome as members.

(4)Surgeon’s affiliated with rural surgical education and residency programs will be encouraged to become involved as members. 


Section 3.        Membership shall be initiated by invitation only.  Membership application

forms shall be available on request of an Active member and shall be provided by the Secretary-Treasurer. Completed application forms shall be delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer before the Annual Assembly. A completed application for membership shall consist of:


(1)A completed membership application form signed by the applicant.


Completed applications shall be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer who,

                        in turn, will submit the application(s) to the Council.  The Council shall

                        have the authority to reject any application.  The name(s) of candidate(s)

recommended for membership by the Council shall be submitted to the

                        membership at the Annual Assembly. 


                        Election shall be by a three-fourths affirmative vote of the members present. 


Section 4.        Members in good standing who subsequently relocate outside the

geographic area of the Society may continue their membership in the Society.  They shall maintain their obligations and privileges as prior to their geographic relocation.




  1                                   Updated January 2018


Section 5.        An active Member who reaches the age of 60 in any given year shall be elevated to Senior Member status at the next meeting of the Council.  This change in status shall then be announced at the next Executive Session of the Society.  They may still be elected to office in the Society.  


Section 6.        Active membership shall be unlimited.


                                           ARTICLE II:  COUNCIL


Section 1.        The Council shall consist of the following:



                                   Immediate Past President

                                   Vice President


                                   Advisors, at discretion of president (appointed)


Section 2.       The President shall call the Council into session at his discretion.

                       The Council, however, must meet at least annually at the time of

                       the Annual Assembly.


Section 3.        Advisors shall be appointed for three year terms but may be re-elected.  Their  terms shall be offset. 


Advisors will be appointed based on specific needs of the society.




Section 1.        The President, the Vice President, and the Secretary-Treasurer

                        shall be elected for three year terms. Any officer may be re-elected

                        however it is anticipated that the Vice President shall ordinarily

                        advance to the presidency.  The incoming and outgoing Secretary-

                        Treasurer shall share duties for a period of six months.


Section 2.       The President shall preside at the meeting of the Council and the Annual

                       Assembly.  The President shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed and

                       serve as an ex officio member of such committees.  Successions to

                       vacated offices of the Society shall be appointed by the President until

                       the positions are filled at the next Annual Assembly


Section 3.       The Vice President, in the absence or incapacity of the President, shall

                        perform the duties of the President.  In the absence or incapacity of both

                        the President and the Vice President, the chair shall be assumed by

                        a President pro tem, elected by such members of the Council as are





Section 4.        The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes of the annual business

                        meetings of the Society and the Council, receive and care for all

                        records belonging to the Society and conduct the correspondence of the

                        Society.  This office will issue to all members a written report of the

                        preceding years transactions to be read to the Council and Membership

at the Annual Assembly. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all monies and funds belonging to the Society, pay all bills, render bills for dues and assessments and report to the Council and Membership at the Annual Assembly.  The Secretary-Treasurer will prepare an annual Treasurers Report for the Membership.


                                             Article IV:  Committees


Section 1.        The Nominating Committee shall be composed of Vice President, Past President and the current President.


Section 2.        The Council shall function as the Membership Committee.


                                               Article V:  Meeting


Section 1.        An Annual Assembly of the Society shall be held at the time and place to

                        be determined by the Council.


Section 2.        During the Annual Assembly, there shall be an Executive Session of the

                        Membership.  The business of the Society shall be reported by the

                        Secretary-Treasurer to the membership.  The report of the Nominating

                        Committee shall be presented to the Membership during the Executive

                        Session.  Nominations of officers may be made from the floor.  Officers

                        of the Society shall be elected by a majority vote of the Active, Senior,

                        Non-resident, and Affiliate Membership present during the Executive



Section 3.        Any member of the Society may invite, with the approval of a Council

                        member, a professional colleague to attend the Annual Assembly.

                        Attendance by surgical residents shall be encouraged and not limited.


                                        Article VI:  Fees, Dues


Section 1.        Initiation fees, dues, and assessments shall be levied by the Council

                        and approved by the membership at the Annual Assembly.


Section 2.        Active members whose dues remain unpaid for a period of two years shall

be dropped from membership, provided that notification of such lapse be given at least three months prior to its effective date.  The member may be reinstated following payment of the dues in arrear upon approval of the Council.




Section 3.       Senior Members and Honorary Members shall be exempt from dues.

                        (Note:  Currently, annual does are $50.00, January 2011).


                          Article VII:  Resignations, Expulsions 


Section 1.        Resignation of members otherwise in good standing shall be accepted

                        by the majority vote of the Council.


Section 2.        Charges of unprofessional or unethical conduct against any member of the

                        Society, challenging that physician’s right to continue membership, must

                        be specific and proffered in writing and submitted to the Council for

                        action. The challenged member must be provided with an opportunity

                        to reply to the charges.  Concurrence of two-thirds or more Council

                        members with the charges shall result in expulsion. 


Such action must be announced at the next Executive Session and may be overruled only by a three-fourths vote of those present in support of a motion from the floor for reversal.


                               Article VIII:  Quorum


Section 1.       A minimum of one-half of the active and senior members registered and

attending the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum at the Annual Assembly.  The group will gather annually to effect changes in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, to make assessments, to authorize appropriations or expenditures of money other than those required in the routine business of the Society, to elect officers and members, and to expel members.  A simple majority will be required to pass any motion.  


 Article IX:  Alterations, Repeals


Section 1.       These By-Laws may be altered or repealed at the Annual Assembly

                        By a two-thirds affirmative vote of members present, provided a

                        Quorum exists.


Article X:  Procedure


Proceedings of the Society shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of

Robert’s Rules of Order.







Adopted January 20, 2018 “draft”


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